Directions to the Albuquerque Metropolitan Arroyo Flood Control Authority (AMAFCA) Office

We are located “behind” the Holiday Inn Express and Applebee’s on Menaul.  The closest major cross streets are Vassar and Menaul.

From I-40: Take the Carlisle exit from I-40 and go north. Turn west (left) onto Menaul, then south (left) on Vassar, just before the light at Vassar. Vassar dead ends at Prospect Avenue. Turn east (left) onto Prospect to the AMAFCA office.

From Menaul west of University: Head east on Menaul. Turn south (right) on Vassar, just past the light at Vassar. Turn east (left) onto Prospect to the AMAFCA office.

From Menaul east of Carlisle: Head west on Menaul. Turn south (left) onto Vassar just before the light at Vassar. Turn east (left) onto Prospect to the AMAFCA office.

Report a Problem – Facility & Maintenance Issues

To determine the location, name, and responsible agency for maintaining the facility, please use our color-coded Maintenance Map.  Agency contact information is listed below:
  • Albuquerque Metropolitan Flood Control Authority (AMAFCA)                                

To report a problem or issue with one of AMAFCA’s facilities, please call our general information line at (505) 884-2215 or email us at [email protected].  Please be sure to provide your name, contact information, as well as the location of the problem and detailed description of the problem you are reporting.  Thank you!

For after-hours emergencies, please call or text the Director of Operations at (505) 301-1411.

Inspection of Public Records

Records subject to the Inspection of Public Records Act may be requested via email by sending the AMAFCA Records Request form listed below to the Records Custodian at [email protected].

 REQUEST                    LEARN MORE

AMAFCA Staff Directory


Executive Director, Kevin Troutman
Director of Planning and Engineering, Nicole Friedt, P.E., CFM
Drainage Engineer, Jared Romero, P.E., CFM
Development Review Engineer, VACANT
Project Engineer, Adrienne Martinez, EIT
Director of Operations, Paula Dodge-Kwan, P.E.
Stormwater Quality Engineer, Patrick Chavez, P.E.
Staff Engineer, VACANT
Maintenance Superintendent, Sal Hernandez
Engineering Technician, Esquipula Padilla
Director of Finance and Procurement, Maria Zuniga
Accounting Manager, Laurel Johnson
Director of Administration, Crystal Griego
Real Estate Manager, Willie West
GIS Manager, Jessica Regensberg
Executive Administrative Assistant, Guylene Harris
Administrative Assistant, Alan Li