AMAFCA is a political subdivision of the State of New Mexico and is governed by a five-person Board of Directors, each elected from and representing a specific district.
Each Director serves a six-year term. Terms are staggered, and end in odd-numbered years.
Directors are elected by the voters in their district under the Local Election Act (first or second Tuesday of November) in the year their term expires.
The Board meets monthly to set policy, establish overall priorities for flood control projects, adopt resolutions (ordinances), approve the budget, and set the mill levy (property tax rate).
District 1: Elizabeth Newlin Taylor, Vice Chair
Current term 2022 – 2027
District 2: Orlando G. Martinez, Jr., Secretary – Treasurer
Current term 2022 – 2027
District 3: Tim Eichenberg, Director
Current term 2020 – 2025
District 4: Ronald D. Brown, Chair
Current term 2020 – 2025
District 5: Bruce M. Thomson, Ph.D, P.E., Assistant Secretary- Treasurer
Current term 2024 – 2029