The History of AMAFCA
In 1974, the AMAFCA Board of Directors put together a brochure about AMAFCA.
The purpose was stated as follows: “As more and more citizens of the community are coming into contact with the activities of the Albuquerque Metropolitan Arroyo Flood Control Authority, the Board of Directors sensed a need to prepare a report to the public which would explain why the Authority was created, the things that have been accomplished with taxpayer dollars, its present activities and its objectives for the future. In addition to the text, it is hoped that the accompanying photographs will serve as reminders of past failures to provide adequate flood protection and the need for continuing vigilance on the part of all public and private interests to prevent repetition of past mistakes.”

In 1991, AMAFCA created an updated brochure, this time in color.
The introduction: “Floods in the Desert. Albuquerque experiences dangerous flooding conditions somewhere in the city about a dozen times per year. Albuquerque floods can be particularly hazardous because the origin of the flood may not be obvious at the floodsite itself. Distant thunderstorms in the Sandia Mountains, as well as storms in just one part of the city, can result in an unexpected wall of water which roars through arroyos and channels. Many people are unaware of the hazards; consequently, nearly every year Albuquerqueans experience personal injuries and property damage from floods. Helping people prevent these injuries and damages is the mission of the Albuquerque Metropolitan Arroyo Flood Control Authority (AMAFCA).”

In 1992, M. A. Peterson wrote A Summary History of AMAFCA.
While much has happened since then, it provides a good look back at AMAFCA’s early years.
2022 Engineering Excellence Award from the American Council of Engineering Companies for the Black Mesa Three Dam Outlet Project
2019 Gold and Silver Recognition MS4 Awards, from WEFTEC National Municipal Stormwater and Green Infrastructure Awards, for Stormwater Quality Program Management and Innovation
2019 NAIOP NM Award of Excellence, from the NAIOP NM Chapter, for the Louisiana- Gibson Regional Drainage Facility
2018 Southwest Regional Best Project Award, Water/Environment Award of Merit, from the Engineering News Record Southwest, for the West I-40 Phase IV Project
Engineering Excellence Award 2018, Honorable Mention for Water Resources, from the American Council of Engineering Companies, for the Tijeras Arroyo Sediment Retention Project