[Updated March 2023]

In North Albuquerque Acres, AMAFCA and Bernalillo County (and the City of Albuquerque in some locations), are the responsible entities for development review and stormwater management.
Platted in the 1920-1930’s and sold as individual lots, the North Albuquerque Acres subdivision sought to preserve the rural nature of the foothills, and the arroyos were left largely in their natural state.
To protect homeowners from the identified risk of flooding from these natural arroyos, AMAFCA and Bernalillo County beginning in the early 1990’s required individual property owners to submit Grading and Drainage Plans (G&Ds) for approval on proposed development. In some cases where an arroyo or flow path was identified, AMAFCA and Bernalillo County required a grant a Drainage Easement to AMAFCA or Bernalillo County to preserve the conveyance of stormwater through each lot.
As development has increased in the area, a growing number of drainage issues have been identified by the agencies. These issues include unpermitted encroachments (perimeter walls/fences, driveway culverts, increased impervious areas) into existing drainage easements and sale of homes to owners who may not be aware of existing easements or drainage requirements. Because of the growing concern by the agencies of these issues and of potential changes in flood risk in the area, AMAFCA and Bernalillo County have begun conducting survey and hydraulic analyses of the arroyos in North Albuquerque Acres.
This includes identification of violations of approved G&Ds, encroachments, and assessments in the potential change in flood risk.

Below is a timeline for work conducted by AMAFCA regarding North Albuquerque Acres (NAA) since 2017.


AMAFCA Board of Directors Action/ Informational Presentation on NAAOther Relevant Presentations/ PoliciesNorth Domingo Baca Tributary WorkLa Cueva Arroyo Work
SeptemberBoard Presentation re: NAA Development. Discussion included new property owners with no easement knowledge, increased pressure on floodplain lots, and redevelopment of existing lots
OctoberBoard Presentation re: NAA Easement/Quitclaim (QC). Discussion included requirements for AMAFCA easement and staff response to Board inquiries about potential drainage concerns in area
NovemberBoard Presentation re: NAA QC. Discussion included requirements for AMAFCA easement and staff response to Board inquiries about potential drainage concerns in area


AMAFCA Board of Directors Action/ Informational Presentation on NAAOther Relevant Presentations/ PoliciesNorth Domingo Baca Tributary WorkLa Cueva Arroyo Work
JanuaryBoard Presentation re: NAA Easements. Discussion included requirements for AMAFCA easement and staff response to Board inquiries about potential drainage concerns in area
FebruaryBoard Presentation re: NAA Easements. Discussion included requirements for AMAFCA easement and staff response to Board inquiries about potential drainage concerns in area
April Board Presentation re: NAA Easement/QC. Discussion included requirements for AMAFCA easement and staff response to Board inquiries about potential drainage concerns in area
MayBoard Presentation re: NAA Easement. Discussion included requirements for AMAFCA easement and staff response to Board inquiries about potential drainage concerns in area
JuneBoard Presentation re: NAA Easements. Discussion included requirements for AMAFCA easement and staff response to Board inquiries about potential drainage concerns in area
SeptemberBoard Presentation re: NAA Easements. Discussion included requirements for AMAFCA easement and staff response to Board inquiries about potential drainage concerns in areaDevelopment request along the La Cueva Arroyo initiates discussion on development and flood risk between AMAFCA and Bernalillo County
OctoberBoard Presentation re: NAA Easement. Discussion included requirements for AMAFCA easement and staff response to Board inquiries about potential drainage concerns in areaBernalillo County proposed joint funding agreement with AMAFCA for La Cueva Facility Plan


AMAFCA Board of Directors Action/ Informational Presentation on NAAOther Relevant Presentations/ PoliciesNorth Domingo Baca Tributary WorkLa Cueva Arroyo Work
JanuaryBoard Presentation re: NAA Easement/QC. Discussion included requirements for AMAFCA easement and modifications to existing AMAFCA easements due to development
FebruaryBoard Presentation re: NAA Easements/QCs. Discussion included requirements for AMAFCA easement and modifications to existing AMAFCA easements due to developmentBoard Presentation on Feasibility Scope of La Cueva Facility Plan
MarchAMAFCA received paper copy of G&D off of Signal Ave. for review
AprilBoard Presentation re: NAA Easement. Discussion included requirements for AMAFCA easement and FEMA FP Mapping and staff response to Board inquiries about potential drainage concerns in areaAssociation of State Floodplain Management/New Mexico Floodplain Managers Association Arid Regions Conference – Presentation by AMAFCA Staff AMAFCA sent comments on G&D off of Signal Ave. via email. AMAFCA received paper copy of additional hydraulic analysis for proposed G&D off of Signal Ave.
MayBoard Presentation re: NAA Easement/QC. Discussion included requirements for AMAFCA easement and modifications to existing AMAFCA easements due to developmentAMAFCA sent comments on G&D off of Signal Ave. & additional hydraulic analysis via email AMAFCA sent Bernalillo County signed Approval Sheet for G&D off of Signal Ave. & additional hydraulic analysis via email
JuneAMAFCA notified by Owner’s Agent of second look at site
SeptemberBoard Presentation re: NAA Development. Discussion included increased pressure on floodplain lots, lack of AMAFCA enforcement ability, and increasing number of redevelopment of existing lotsAmerican Public Works Association New Mexico Chapter Fall Conference – Presentation by AMAFCA Staff
OctoberAMAFCA received paper copy of G&D off of Signal Ave. with modification for review. AMAFCA notified Bernalillo County that AMAFCA would not approve the G&D off of Signal Ave. with modification via email
NovemberAMAFCA sent comments on G&D off of Signal Ave. with modification to Owner’s Engineer via email. AMAFCA sent comments on G&D off of Signal Ave. with modification to Owner’s Engineer via email. AMAFCA and Bernalillo County had an in-person meeting with Owner’s Engineer to discuss G&D off of Signal Ave. with modification. AMAFCA issued notification to Owner’s Engineer & Agent that AMAFCA would not approve the G&D off of Signal Ave. with modification via email.
DecemberFollow up Board Presentation re: NAA Development. Discussion included increased pressure on floodplain lots, lack of AMAFCA enforcement ability, increasing number of redevelopment of existing lots, and need to identify AMAFCA easementsAMAFCA notified Bernalillo County that AMAFCA had not received the Grant of Drainage Easement documentation for the approved G&D & additional hydraulic analysis (no modification), and Bernalillo County shall not release the Certificate of Occupancy. AMAFCA and Bernalillo County had an in-person meeting with Owner’s Engineer & Agent to discuss Grant of Drainage Easement and temporary Certificate of Occupancy; AMAFCA delivered digital Grant of Easement documents to Owner’s Engineer for owner signature via email; AMAFCA received signed and notarized documents and required fee for Grant of Drainage Easement documents and notified Bernalillo County that the owner had met the requirements for release of temporary Certificate of Occupancy


AMAFCA Board of Directors Action/ Informational Presentation on NAAOther Relevant Presentations/ PoliciesNorth Domingo Baca Tributary WorkLa Cueva Arroyo Work
JanuaryBoard Presentation re: NAA Easement. Discussion included requirements for AMAFCA easement and FEMA floodplain Mapping; Follow up Board Presentation re: NAA Development. Discussion included increased pressure on floodplain lots, lack of AMAFCA enforcement ability, increasing number of redevelopment of existing lots, and need to identify AMAFCA easements and flow paths of AMAFCA drainage AMAFCA Staff presentation to Board re: update to existing AMAFCA Drainage Policy to bring up to current standard of practiceAMAFCA received paper copy of G&D off of Signal Ave. with modification for review Owner’s Engineer. AMAFCA Board of Directors Accepts the Grant of Easement. Grant of Easement document is recorded with the Bernalillo County Clerk. AMAFCA staff conducts site inspection off of Signal Ave.. AMAFCA notifies Bernalillo County via letter and via email of potential violations.
FebruaryBoard Presentation re: NAA Easement. Discussion included requirements for AMAFCA easement and FEMA floodplain Mapping; Follow up Board Presentation re: NAA Development. Discussion included increased pressure on floodplain lots, lack of AMAFCA enforcement ability, increasing number of redevelopment of existing lots, and identification of AMAFCA easements and flow paths of AMAFCA drainageAMAFCA Staff follow-up presentation to Board re: update to existing AMAFCA Drainage Policy to bring up to current standard of practice
MarchBoard Presentation re: NAA Easements
AprilBoard Presentation re: NAA Easements
MayAMAFCA Staff follow-up presentation to Board re: draft of new AMAFCA Drainage Policy to bring up to current standard of practice
JulyDrainage Policy is put out for public comment; AMAFCA Board approves new Drainage Policy by Resolution 2020-11
August AMAFCA notifies the property owners between Signal and Wilshire via letter that an AMAFCA contracted surveyor will be conducting a field and topographic survey of the subject area. AMAFCA issues Notice to Proceed to Surveyor
SeptemberAMAFCA receives the topographic information from the surveyor for Signal Ave.; AMAFCA issues Notice to Proceed to Hydraulic Engineer for Signal Ave.
OctoberAMAFCA staff updates the AMAFCA Board of Directors of the concerns regarding a potential change in flood risk in the NDB area; AMAFCA Board of Directors directs staff to pursue an agreement with Bernalillo County for the area
NovemberBoard Presentation re: Bernalillo County Cost ShareAMAFCA notifies property owners in the North Domingo Baca Tributary Arroyo Watersheds that an AMAFCA contracted surveyor will be conducting a field and topographic survey. AMAFCA issues Notice to Proceed to Surveyor for additional survey information in the North Domingo Baca Tributary Arroyo Watersheds
DecemberAMAFCA staff updates the AMAFCA Board of Directors of the concerns regarding a potential change in flood risk in the NDB area; AMAFCA Board of Directors approve agreement with Bernalillo County for the areaAMAFCA begins notifying property owners off of Signal Ave. via letter that encroachments into the AMAFCA Drainage Easement have been identified and that the encroachments must be removed and arroyo restored to the approved G&D or permitted


AMAFCA Board of Directors Action/ Informational Presentation on NAAOther Relevant Presentations/ PoliciesNorth Domingo Baca Tributary WorkLa Cueva Arroyo Work
JanuaryBoard Presentation re: NAA Easement
FebruaryAMAFCA staff updates the AMAFCA Board of Directors of the concerns regarding a potential change in flood risk in the area and ongoing survey & hydraulic analysisAMAFCA Staff presentation to Board re: proposal for Agency & Area-wide Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) Floodplain Removal PartnershipAMAFCA receives the topographic information from the surveyor for the North Domingo Baca Tributary Arroyo Watersheds; AMAFCA provides final topo to Hydraulic Engineer; AMAFCA issues NTP to hydraulic engineers for hydraulic analysis
MarchAMAFCA Staff follow-up presentation to Board re: draft Agency & Area-wide FEMA Floodplain Removal Partnership
MayAMAFCA staff updates the AMAFCA Board of Directors of the concerns regarding a potential change in flood risk in the area and ongoing survey & hydraulic analysisAMAFCA begins notifying property owners in the North Domingo Baca Tributary Arroyo Watersheds via letter that encroachments into the AMAFCA Drainage Easement have been identified and that the encroachments must be removed and arroyo restored to the approved G&D or permitted
JuneBoard Presentation re: NAA Easements/QC. Discussion included specific example of encroachment into AMAFCA easement and flow path that required remedyAMAFCA sends 2nd notification to property owners in the North Domingo Baca Tributary Arroyo Watersheds via certified letter who did not respond to first letter; AMAFCA receives final hydraulic analysis for Existing Conditions in the North Domingo Baca Tributary Arroyo Watersheds
JulyAMAFCA Staff follow-up presentation to Board re: draft Agency & Area-wide FEMA Floodplain Removal Partnership
AugustResponded to Owner’s Engineer with requirements for consideration of the G&D off of Signal Ave. with modificationBoard Presentation re: La Cueva Arroyo. Discussion included following on to work in the NDB Watershed and similar cost share with Bernalillo County
SeptemberBoard Presentation re: La Cueva Arroyo. Discussion included following on to work in the NDB Watershed and Board Approved cost share with Bernalillo County
NovemberBoard Presentation re: NAA Encroachment. Discussion included specific example of encroachment into AMAFCA easement and flow path. AMAFCA staff updates the AMAFCA Board of Directors of the concerns regarding a potential change in flood risk in the area and ongoing survey & hydraulic analysisAMAFCA Executive Engineer presents at the Annual Community Meeting of the North Albuquerque Acres Community Association
DecemberBoard Presentation re: NAA Easements/Development. Discussion included increased pressure on FP lots, lack of AMAFCA enforcement ability, increasing number of redevelopment of existing lots, identification of AMAFCA easements and flow paths of AMAFCA drainage, and options moving forwardAMAFCA receives final hydraulic analysis for Conceptual Proposed Conditions in the North Domingo Baca Tributary Arroyo Watersheds
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