AMAFCA Office Photo with Rainbow

Louisiana-Gibson Regional Drainage Facility

[Project Complete] The Louisiana-Gibson Regional Drainage Facility is at the southeast corner of Louisiana Blvd and Gibson Blvd.  Construction started in September of 2018.

AMAFCA Office Photo with Rainbow

Calabacillas Arroyo GCS 1a1

[Project Complete] When development started on the northwest side of Albuquerque, it was decided that the Calabacillas Arroyo would be maintained in a semi-natural state, rather than be concrete lined…

AMAFCA Office Photo with Rainbow

West I-40 Phase IV

The beginnings of the overall West I-40 Diversion Project were presented at the August 22, 1974, AMAFCA Board meeting, where the Board adopted the West Albuquerque Metropolitan Area Drainage Management…